About Me

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Hi I’m Jen- I'm one lucky lady to be married to the most wonderful man, Jason. I am a mother to three beautiful children, Grant, Norah, who was born with hydrocephalus, and Mason. I love spending my time with my family. I also like to challenge myself with new things. I'm on a constant quest to become more organized, it may never happen but it's a dream. I currently work part-time as a RN in an emergency department. I love this journey of life that I am on with God by my side, knowing that all things are possible when you Believe.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life's Rollercoaster - along for the ride

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer

This last year has brought many ups and downs for our family. Today I'd like to think that we stayed strong together, weathering the long ride, hopefully getting to be waiting in line for awhile. I truly believe that God won't give us more than we can handle, but I have definitely said a few prayers to help give me the strength to endure.

I have talked about Norah hydrocephalus, but haven't said much about some of our other stresses. Jason started a company with a few other men about 15 months ago, and starting a business is no easy feat. I make a long story short, there hasn't been any money for payroll the last couple of months. We have been living on an extremely tight budget. Also our insurance benefits that we have through COBRA are about to expire, and the subsidy that makes it affordable has expired. Thankfully I have been able to pick up extra hours at the hospital I work at which has helped out with out finances.

We have had a role reversal, most days Jason gets to hang out and play with the kids while I head to work. He still puts in time for his company, despite not being paid. In hopes of being paid in the future, the work must be done.

I feel so blessed to have Jason in my life. He is strong and steadfast, so patient with our children, he loves being involved with their little lives. He helps to keep me grounded and reminds me what our priorities should be, and not to worry about the what ifs.

Last week Jason's company received their first contract, and I increased my permanent FTE (hours at work), I now work two - twelve hour shifts a week. This way I work one day during the week and every other weekend. Jason works from home one day a week to care for the kids so it keeps daycare costs away, not to mention other people experiencing all these precious moments with our kids. Grant is now potty training and doing an excellent job. Norah's cephalohematoma is healing very well and she continues to amaze us daily with new accomplishments that we were told may never happen.

To put it simply, we are blessed.

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