About Me

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Hi I’m Jen- I'm one lucky lady to be married to the most wonderful man, Jason. I am a mother to three beautiful children, Grant, Norah, who was born with hydrocephalus, and Mason. I love spending my time with my family. I also like to challenge myself with new things. I'm on a constant quest to become more organized, it may never happen but it's a dream. I currently work part-time as a RN in an emergency department. I love this journey of life that I am on with God by my side, knowing that all things are possible when you Believe.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mason!!

Really, could it have been 2 years already since you have joined our family? You have brought us so much joy. You are a lover, at times more stubborn than anyone I have ever met. You are independent, not letting anyone stop you when you are determined. You have taught us about tantrums, something your older brother and sister do little of but you have fully embraced. You keep us on our toes and make our hearts smile.

Happy Birthday, Mason Randall!! We love you.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Mason sounds a lot like my Alexander! Must be the third child. Hope you are doing well, sounds like Nora is keeping up the pace with all of her doctor appointments plus school, busy little girl! Take care and enjoy the summer!