First thing to address was the pine trees around the swimming pool. Over grown pine trees around the pool make for a mess, and not too mention a very shady pool area. So started to take down trees in the fall and it was time for the rest to go before open the pool for the summer.
We realized we weren't going to have enough time to clean up each tree and burn as we did it, so I sent Jason off to cut down the rest of the trees and we will keep working on it a little at a time, but at least they won't be shading the pool. Well, with the exception of two, that will eventually come down. They need to fall into the yard and I knew we didn't have time to clean them up and I didn't want to kill they grass in the meantime.
There has been time spent moving things around the yard, and tractor rides in the wagon behind the tractor. The kids all love going for rides.
Next we decide to tackle the garden. When we moved into our house last fall, the old garden was overgrown but had a nice spot in the yard. There were lots of herbs, asparagus and berry bushes left from a once thriving garden. After spending time outside and talking about what to do, we decide it was best to start from scratch.
I went and picked the last of the asparagus, I could believe how quickly it grows and goes to seed. The area was cleaned up, old garden fencing, posts and boards were removed. Then the area was tilled.
New wood for garden boxes had been stained to add color and fun. Grant helped pick out the color, we had fun picking it out. It was now time to move the wood to the garden and begin constructed the boxes.
Dirt was dropped off by the big dump truck. Grant and Mason couldn't get enough. Norah went off to the other side of the yard crying, she didn't like the big truck and all the noise it made. But once the truck was gone, it was head first into the dirt and Norah was first to be king of the hill, quickly followed by Mason. Grant knew work needed to be done and quickly had his tractor and shovel on hand to move the dirt.
We have been keeping busy with our outdoor projects, which leaves Jason and I planning for more in the future. For now, one thing at a time, we have to finish cleaning up the trees and getting the garden finished and planted.
I now have a new appreciation for how much land 2 acres covers!!
What an awesome piece of land you have! And what a lot of hard work you've been doing!! I'm impressed!
Such a lovely family and beautiful place to grow up. Lots of hard work and fulfillment of dreams. Jason and Jen are working so hard. Mr. Grant is a BIG helper as always. Miss Norah is I to the dirt, dragging Joey around (by the head) and Mr. Mason...he is the crew supervisor! So proud of you and happy for you...building your life and dreams each day. Beautiful. I love you all. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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